You can definitely take all of what's been prescribed while taking Doxy.
However, Natto-Serra (which are enzymes that can help break up Lyme cysts) need to be taken on an empty stomach.
And, Banderol should never be taken at the same time as Cat's Claw - this is per Nutramedix, the manufacturer of Banderol. The product compatibility chart I'm linking below shows this (Samento is Nutramedix's form of Cat's Claw): are two very important things to consider before your son starts treatment:
1. Do NOT start everything at once at the recommended doses. The risk of a massive herx is just too great (herbs are just as powerful as antibiotics if not more so) And, if there's a reaction, you'll never know what caused it.
It would be best to start with the probiotic (think 50-100 billion different organisms made up of different strains) because our immune system is in our gut.....and much of the good bacteria will be destroyed by the doxy.
The herbs should be started at a dose of one drop of one herb....and then wait 4-7 days to gauge response. As long as any herxing he experiences is mild (or tamed by detox), the other herb can be introduced at one drop with the same waiting period. Wash, rinse, repeat until up to the recommended doses.
It's because of herx potential that #2 is very important
2. He should start a daily detoxing protocol now....and continue to add to it throughout treatment. You see, his symptoms are caused by the toxins created by the bacteria as they die. Well, treatment will accelerate the death of the bacteria....and the toxins can become trapped in our bodies if we don't have a way to get them out. This can lead to an increase in symptoms.
Here's some info about
herxing:, here's a link to quite the comprehensive list of detoxing suggestions: would be a good idea for you to maintain a symptoms/meds journal for him.
This will help you gauge progress (which can be slow in coming). It will also help you identify any symptoms that might indicate one of the infections that can accompany Lyme (Babesia, Bartonella, etc.)
Testing for the co-infections is totally unreliable - there are more strains of them than there are tests.
Most Lymies have more than just Lyme (tick saliva is like a salad bowl). An untreated coinfection can impede healing from Lyme.
Still, we all have to take things step by step....and eventually we succeed at beating these infections.
Please continue to post with any questions you may have - we'll do our best to help.
Best of luck to you moving forward!