I didn't think ALA was doing much for me, so when I ran out the last time, and money was a bit tight, I opted to wait a few weeks to get more. Silly me, I started on the same dose as I was taking when I had it thinking that since I wasn't treating these infections any longer it would be okay. I mean, it was only a couple of weeks - HA!!
What a wake up call! My liver flushed toxins, down through my digestive tract so heavily, that I refused to leave the house (LOL! I needed to be close to a bathroom!), and my lymph glands swelled up, and my skin broke out. Wow! I know that it doesn't help everyone like it evidently does for me, but if you do stop it and restart it - be warned! You could have quite a reaction!
What about
your gene mutations? Are you taking the supplements to help correct those issues?
It took me months and months of detoxing before I could feel much relief. And I don't thing it's so much about
patience really, but frustrations of not being able to find what will help you heal/feel better. You have been with us for a while, and while you have been a big help on the forum and I don't want to see you go - I do wish you could find your healing.
I hope chelation helps you.