Welcome Jets!
Sorry for the reason you're here but, glad you found us. You've been given great information already.
Bell's Palsy was one of my first Lyme symptoms. It wasn't all that obvious but the left side of my mouth felt like I just had novacaine at the dentist.
There were times during treatment that my left side of my face would go numb and other times that I'd feel a bit drooly on the left side of my mouth.
Lyme really likes the nerves and it can take awhile for them to heal.
The fact that you developed new symptoms after starting doxycycline means that you'll need to continue treating for at least two months after complete resolution of symptoms - that's what ILADS recommends (ILADS = International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society which is cutting edge for Lyme and Co's diagnosis and treatment)
This is where my PCP failed me and why I'm still treating over a year after the tick bite.
Please know that Bartonella (a common infection that can accompany Lyme) can also cause Bell's Palsy so it would be a good idea for you to see a LLMD (Lyme-literate MD).
ILADS offers a physician referral feature on their site:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/And, you could start a new thread titled "Looking for LLMD in (insert larger city near you)" and enable your email option via your profile so members can send you contact info. (forum rules prevent posting of doctor's contact info on the forum for privacy reasons).
Finally, please take a peek at the "New to Lyme" thread that sits at the top of the forum. It is chock-full of great information including symptoms lists, help with test interpretation, detoxing suggestions and more.
Best of luck to you moving forward!!