Seawa, welcome! Keep in mind that most doctors do not talk about
de-toxing, but I promise you that it is a necessary component of handling our treatments for Lyme and the co-infections.
They seem to well know what a Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction is, but not that it's possible to minimize and sometimes even eliminate/prevent it from happening by helping our body rid itself of the toxins accumulating from die off. Our body already deals with ridding itself of the daily toxins we run into. These nasty tick organisms can really pile it on when they die.
Herx symptoms are often amplified symptoms we are already experiencing, such as painful joints, headaches, dizzyness, and a plethora of weird unpleasant sensations.
Plus, the disease tends to pull our body ph into an acidic range, or flood our heads with ammonia.
There are many simple methods of detoxing, such as drinking lemon water, Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar with the 'mother' in it, dry skin brushing, epsom salt baths (even foot baths), using activated charcoal tabs to bind the toxins out.....
And herbs.