So i used to take Ashwagandha root extract. It was quite efficient in the beginning of my treatment, my fatigue was gone. I have continued to take it, and in the last 3 weeks i developed some very weird symptoms that first i thought they were a herx, then Bartonella going berserk, etc...
- insomnia
- agitation
- day sweats, night sweats (babesia, right?)
- conjunctivitis/red eyes
- rapid heart beat
It was much worse just before going to bed, especially the eyes got quite red. I went to the eye dr, done a complete exam. Nothing. Just irritation.
Then one morning, unable to sleep i took an extra Ashwagandha pill. I noticed something weird when lying down, my pulse rate went to the roof (but only when lying down). That was something strange, so i started to google around and found these symptoms almost perfectly match hyperthoridism (or to be more exact thyrotoxicosis)
Then i found this: remembered my eyes were worst a few hours after taking the Ashwagandha pill, because it was late in the night i thought first im just more tired.
I discontinued Ashwagandha
and in 48h all symptoms (including red eyes, insomnia, heart, agitation) disappeared.
I was using this one got my thyroid hormones tested in the summer and they were fine (just before starting with the herb). Ill make sure to re-test.
Just a warning, these supplements are sometimes too strong and you need to be careful. The symptoms mimic all sorts of conditions, and esp for lymies one can get easily confused and think that's a herx, detox issue, or something related...