astroman said...
If you knew me and checked out my "man cave" , you'd reconsider! (I hide the club, and only have campfires out side though.)
Well I am willing to admit there may be some cave genes out there, some expressing them more than others. I did the 23andme genetic test and I am actually 4% Neanderthal, which is apparently really high. So whenever I feel like throwing off the shackles of civilization I believe I have an excuse.
astroman said...
"I tried all available cow milk in my area, lactose free, casin free , bla ,bla, ..........bottom line, I cant consume real milk, even with things removed. My functional Dr explained why, but dont remember the details. I drink almond milk even thought its loaded with man made chemicals."
Well A2 milk is a whole different "animal". If you have issues with cow milk but can drink goat milk and eat sheep feta then most likely you can drink A2 cow milk. Pretty much all other milk including human is A2.
astroman said...
"[Young children almost universally produce lactase and can digest the lactose in their mother's milk. But as they mature, most switch off the lactase gene. Only 35% of the human population can digest lactose beyond the age of about seven or eight (ref. 2)."]
- pretty much what I previously mentioned. If you dont have the gene (65% probability you dont), good luck with real milk.
Well the probability is highly dependent on your ancestry. If your ancestors were European then there is an 80% chance you do have the gene. They were from elsewhere then YMMV depending on their traditional diet.