I listened to a podcast last night (link below) that somewhat turned all my thinking upside down on Methylation.
It was with Neil Nathan and Ben Lynch. The whole convo is mainly about
Cell Danger Response (CDR) and a new type of blood testing that should be available in the next few years. It will go beyond our regular CBC blood test and shows like 600 cell markers. It is in the works, but mainly as research, and has shown specific markers for people with CFS and other chronic diseases - a real game changer. Anyway, Ben states at the end that our methylation cycle is actually our minor route of detoxification (at around the 40 minute mark of podcast). Methylation is still critical, but supporting the liver may be more important. I think most of us know this.
The most interesting piece for me was this - They both say that taking methylation supplements may actually be harmful to those with some chronic diseases (they specifically talk about
mold/heavy metal issues, bacteria). This is because our body is purposely shutting DOWN our methylation cycle because the infectious agent hijacks our methylation to take over our body (info is around the 30 minute mark). The CDR test shows this in proof. I'm not sure if I got that part right but that is what my brain thinks it remembers! So, when we are overriding this and getting the methylation going it may actually do more harm. He states it is better to fix the issue (ie: mold) first THEN start the methylation supplements very slowly.
If you listen to it please let me know what you think. Honestly, my gut instinct has always gave me a caution about
this. I am NOT giving advice to anyone to stop taking supplements, just wanted to pass on the info.
/itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cutting-edge-health-wellness/id903291905?mt=2&i=358798222(It's #2 on this list - 12/11/15)