You should stay at doses of herbs that don't cause herxing. Cost effective - we are too, and found healing with only 1/4 recommended dosages of a combination of the bart/babesia protocols.
Buhner's associate told me that low doses are as effective as high doses, you just have to stay on them for a longer period. Feeling terrible is not necessary - but let it be your guide. Once you find yourself herxing, decrease your dosage back to the highest dosage that didn't cause herxing. Stay there for a couple of weeks before adding the next herb.
Stay at low doses of JK and CC for a while before adding which ever herb you decide you want to do next.
If you aren't finding resolution with starting low doses of THE WHOLE LYME PROTOCOL (1 or 2 herbs will likely not be effective), please consider adding herbs from either the bart or babs protocol (depending on your symptoms). Yes, Buhner's newest lyme book was published Nov 2015.
CD posted this the other day - a wonderful blog about
healing from lyme/co using diet/herbs:
There needs to be real consideration of reducing toxin intake (food, personal items etc.).
Lots to learn from this lady.