Zappa, we don't put doctor's names on this forum. Many doctors still can be prosecuted for treating lyme patients.
However, we can email them to you. But, you will need to make your email available. DO NOT write your email on this forum or you will get tons of spam.
To enable your email to get references, you go to
My Profile, then to
Edit Profile, type in your email address in the line provided and under that bull's eye
Show My Email Addressanother option is to go to, use the drop down list on Doctors, and click on Search Dr. Referral System. You will have to register with an email address and a password. You can use your zip code and search for an ILADS trained doctor. Be picky because you only get 3 searches in a 30 day period.
Hope this was helpful.
Edited to add - 3 searches PER Email Address in a 30 day period. Email sent to you.
Post Edited (PeteZa) : 2/14/2016 4:35:47 PM (GMT-7)