Take some nice slow breaths.
I read through your last posts. In my opinion Amoxicilon (sorry for my mispelling) is an old drug that does cause stomach issues and isn't as effective as many of the newer drugs. Can you call your doctor and ask for something that won't cause you so much gastro intestinal pain? That will allow you to continue to treat. If not try Kefir which is sold right by yogurt. The way it's made eliminates the lactose so it's ok for those on a dairy free diet unless you are super sensitive. It works like a second probiotic.
I know that when I started treating I felt worse which I didn't think was possible. I also felt like I was falling apart and at times I felt like what the heck is the point of doing this. The answer to that is simple. I'm sure like me you have people who love you very much and who you love very much.
It can take months of treatment until you lower your toxin load enough to feel better. We are used to feeling better after a few days of meds and that's not the case with this. It's discouraging but know you are on the right track.
Reading this helped me. Some of the wording is harsh so ignore that.
www.lyme-symptoms.com/LymeDiseaseInfo/EradicationProcess.htmlWe are all here for you and sending you positive thoughts.
If you feel you need to talk to someone here is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 (800) 273-8255 Their lines are staffed 24 hours a day.