Maverick6981 said...
Have you ever been hospitalized while trying to cure yourself naturally of Lyme? I want to know if it's safe for me to go through the Buhner protocol while I'm working full-time. I so desperately need to heal but don't know if it's going to cause me such bad symptoms from detoxing that I won't be able to work.
Thanks in advance
I've never been hospitalized since dealing with these infections but I don't know how you'd be able to take herbs in a place that only gives out FDA-approved stuff.
Buhner's protocols are safe and people do work while following them but it can be challenging at times...I know it was for me and I have a home-based business. I took care of myself as much as possible and let things go at home that could be let go.
Your ability to handle treatments depends on how well your body detoxes, how much stress you face and how you manage it, how much rest you can get, how good you can keep your diet, etc.
I suggest that you consider starting a daily detoxing protocol now and certainly continue with it (and add to it) throughout treatment.
All the while you've been infected, the bugs have been creating toxins which are the cause of your symptoms. As the bugs go through their life cycles, they're also dying which means a huge increase in toxins ala the dead bug parts.
People who are suffering horribly with symptoms are "backed up" with toxins and need to get them o-u-t out.
Heck, most Americans are already dealing with a toxin load due to the 300+ chemicals we're exposed to daily.
Bottom line, an effective detoxing protocol will go a long way towards helping you feel better and, most importantly, manage your treatments.
You need to start slowly because the mobilization of toxins can actually make you feel worse. Be sure to keep your bowels moving daily (sorry if TMI) and drink a LOT of water so you can flush those toxins out.
Here's a great link about
detoxing - why we need to do it and suggestions for a bunch of methods: next link is to a recent thread wherein members shared what they're doing for detoxing: counting the daily exercise I've done my entire life, my daily detoxing protocol consists of at least 20 different methods....and takes no more than 5 minutes total out of my day.....maybe 10 if you divide up the time I spend shopping for the stuff ;)