For those of you who believe you've contracted lyme in the San Francisco Bay Area, you might want to discuss the findings of this new study w/ your LLMD:
California Strains of Lyme Bacteria May Survive Antibiotic Treatment According to StudyThis new study funded by Bay Area Lyme Foundation identifies 20 FDA-approved compounds that are more effective in inhibiting persistent Lyme bacteria than standard treatment
Apr 06, 2016, 09:00 ET from Bay Area Lyme Foundation
SILICON VALLEY, Calif., April 6, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- A laboratory study published today, funded by the Bay Area Lyme Foundation, is the
first study to demonstrate that strains of Lyme bacteria present in California ticks are able to form persister bacteria, which do not respond well to treatment. The study is also the first to identify FDA-approved therapies that may be more effective in inhibiting these specific strains of persister bacteria in the lab than doxycycline, the most commonly prescribed treatment for Lyme disease. The study was conducted by Stanford School of Medicine and published in the
open Access publication Drug Design, Development and Therapy. View full study here: