Girlie said...
I did the multiplication and the dose is 155.2 mcg. for his weight.
Pretty close to what he's on we'll see what the labs say.
It's interesting about the weight though - when he first started the T4, he was prescribed 88 mcg but according to his weight then, he should have been on 137.5.
Yes, I did know that lyme messed with your thyroid - that's quite a change in meds you've had to adjust to...
I weigh 135 lbs so you can see that the math goes just so far.
I knew you knew that Lyme messed with my thyroid lol Since hubby has Lyme, I know you recognize that his thyroid might be affected.
And, yes, the difference in my doses when I first started treating for Lyme and now is quite large. I do blame the ALA I started taking right after meeting my LLMD the first time for my need for more T3 but I only needed one T3 dose increase.
I started Motherwort in October of last year to help with Babesia anxiety herxes knowing there was a potential it could interfere with my thyroid. It worked well and I was willing to risk the need for 1-2 dose adjustments. However, I just couldn't stop my levels from going low and, after the 4th dose increase, I ditched the Motherwort lol
Adjusting to new doses wasn't too horrible because we'd "catch" the changes in my levels usually before symptoms developed (getting thyroid labs done every 4 wks. helps with this).
However, I just stayed in the hypo hole when taking Motherwort - that was over the holidays and Jan/Feb of this year. I was a brain-fogged mess lol