Posted 5/15/2016 11:46 PM (GMT 0)
Hey Rikky,
It can be a slow process of trial and error to learn what works and how much you can do. Rife is just much more powerful at killing bacteria than anything else it needs to be used with caution. It also hits bacteria in the brain much harder than other treatments that I've tried as the blood brain barrier is not an issue for radio waves.
Some peoples herxes are delayed. For myself if I Rife on Sun I generally feel okish Mon and Tues, and will feel bad Wed and worse Thurs. Fri I'll go back to normal. However if I overdo it I'll feel bad Mon and be in hell by Thurs. It's a curve and I want to try to dial it in so that the worst part of the herx is bearable.
You can really only proceed at a treatment speed where you are comfortable with the level of herxing. If you're working you may not be able to push very hard. Different people have different pain thresholds and what they can tolerate.
I agree to some extent herxes can be somewhat reduced by detoxing but I don't think there is a magic way to eliminate them completely. When Borrelia is killed it'll take a while for the toxins produced to exit the body, no matter how much detoxing you're doing.
People are so variable in terms of how much they herx from Rife, it seems to be related to their overall load of active Borrelia. If you have been taking a lot of antibiotics most of the Borrelia might be encysted and so you might not herx as much.
Also depending on your level of neuroborreliosis the herxes might come with horrible psych symptoms. For me this was the worst part by far. I can handle feeling tired and toxic, maybe some body pain. But killing Borrelia in the brain is another level of hell. There have been times I was close to putting a gun to my head. After those episodes I definitely dialed it back a bit the next time.