Since you have two identical threads going, Carla, I deleted the other one, as I had been the only one to answer it at this point.
And here's my comment:
I have. I have the livido reticularis again now, thanks to Bart - but it went away as I treated last time, so I expect it to go away with treatment again this time.
As for Lupus and Lyme:
"It is possible that Lyme disease can be a major environmental factor which triggers the disorder in susceptible individuals. At any rate, the two diseases can look very similar and most be sorted out in the process of differential diagnosis. "
Lyme can most definitely mimic Lupus, as is said in this short blog post: I do believe there are Lupus patients that have both Lyme and Lupus, I believe that Lyme can perfectly mimic Lupus as well. It's up to us to be sure we have the right diagnosis though, as doctors often fail to do proper testing for either condition most of the time.