bluelyme said...
Wow ..thanks jrpsf
i already have hair loss, but what good is my luscious locks if i keep losing my flesh and my mind .i am on rocephin and zith , and just swapped tini for alinia
got super emotional and twitches came back some .no heart stuff but tinnitus is louder (could be the zith)
Girlie i got a pm from someone saying they found it very effective not sure on what but that the herx was unreal,like lucy in the sky with diamonds. I was also told it is the same packaging from india as the states. My llnp swears by it and my art practioner said she felt amazing but warned of chasing flukes to liver is what dr k found out...sounds like its in its infancy
i am having another weird symptom since iv stuff of my finget pads getting wrinkled like if i was in the bath to long.. . I tried to hydrate today with a silver n saline and the shriveled like old person ..weird ..i may make another post ..this disease is bizarre ,night marish and downright scary...i wanna wake up and it be just a bad dream...any one else wanna be a guinea pig? Or have testamony of this weirdly pricy newish drug?
I'm not sure what you mean about
the same packaging from India as the States? Are you referring to me saying the Canadian Alinia isn't as good? Dr. MR - said it has to be compounded in not sure why it isn't as good.
My finger pads are wrinkled too...for a long time now...and often with that I have lines down the length of my fingers - from the pads to the palm.