I hate to say this, but your thyroid isn't fine - the T3 is low and that alone can throw all kinds of things off. Most people need to be in the upper 1/3 of the ranges to not have thyroid symptoms on both T3 & T4.
And checking cortisol levels by blood tests only gives a "snap shot" of that moment in time when the blood was drawn, so for example we don't know how they are doing first thing in the morning when cortisol should be the highest, or how it is when you should be ready for sleep, when it should be at it's lowest.
One of the best sites I've come across for thyroid and some adrenal information is:
www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/As for herbs to help for menstrual issues, I used motherwort and black cohosh. Do be sure that you read up on these herbs before using them though. They may or may not be right for you. It would actually be best for you to speak with a Master Herbalist and have them design a program for you to help balance those hormones. That way you could be checked periodically so that you can be sure you aren't taking too much or too little.
This will help you get started: