Posted 6/9/2016 8:37 PM (GMT 0)
The last one I had was Genova, no blood, just saliva, but it was through a Chiro. My ins paid the visit, I paid a discount $150 for the test.
My current insurance now makes me pay for the whole visit if any non-conventional testing or conversation(!) takes place. The Dr puts everything in notes which the ins reads. My other Dr dropped all insurance. They dont know much more I already do, so whats the point if I'm not on ABX anymore.
(So I am dumping Dr visits for things I pretty much know that is "non - conventional" in practice.)
That said, I'm wondering how my adrenals are since I have lingering fatigue even though thyroid is pretty good. I want to nap every day, even on weekends when I sleep 9 hours per night. Since employers arent "nap friendly" I'd like to fix this LOL.