cr3ativegirl said...
[We start making more NO which makes more peroxynitrite and superoxide and we kill more pathogens. We just can't handle the toxins and debris left in their wake. Detoxing is a direct effect of our immune response and when in is down regulated, our detoxing is down regulated.]
Hi, all!
Georgia, Buhner says in Natural treatments for co-nfections that just taking Arginine will actually kill Babesia eventually because it increases NO and they don't like NO. I started taking 750 2x a day for my Babs that recently reared its ugly head. about every 5 days, I am getting a horrible headache in the middle of the night. Is that because of toxin build up? Should I take less? Is it even related, do you think?
I'd look for dehydration first. Arginine will push the urea cycle which does make more NO, but the problem is that some of these pathogens decrease functioning late in the urea cycle which leads to nitrogen processing problems. That is what I have. Decrease protein intake for a week and see if you still have headaches. The protein combined with decreased urea cycle functioning may be causing ammonia build up.