Hi pants and everyone...i have done much research and pining over this ..it was very site specific in hands and feet ..like piranhas eating me feeling ... my rhuemy thought it was a vasculitis. .it looks like mpa ...microscopic poly anginis ...the als lyme people feel it is a lower moter neuron function problem ...when the id duc said my lyme was false positive he said mitochondrial. ..i beleive it is a combo of bart and mycoplasm as dr k thinks too...char bohemme of dna frequencys implicates a retro virus and also mycoplasm fermintans ...this guy on other forum said his stopped when he did 3 ys of floroquinalones. ..this other nurse that saw it me last yrs has gotten her life back with bvt ...
lous neuro said when you see wasting half of nerves are dead ...things that have helped are bvt 3x a week amber rose style , higj phospholipid s ,i have a blood parasite as toxo,proto or babesisia canis ...treating ascaris and giardia ...tini alinia ,iv silver ,iv rocephin, iv zith ,diflucan ,and rife (plasma) has helped ..this is horror movie stuff...you are not alone ..i have heard stories of 5 months of mino and empty pods grew back and also 4 ys abx and now skin and bones ...i do think gut is important but i think stopping bart is why rrminder and girlie and i have had some progress..i would like to keep this thread active for support . I tried to start one a while back it was healing well that helped save my life ...younare not alone ... this a study i found his hands are worse than mine but i was on my way
http://jnnp.bmj.com/content/63/2/257.full#ref-1 It is lyme related you can seenit at 1000x btw
Post Edited (bluelyme) : 11/21/2016 10:10:18 PM (GMT-7)