Hi Xelaetaks--
BTW - very interesting screen name.
Good bacteria keeps y/f in check
We all have yeast/fungus/bacteria/microbes all over and within our bodies... they say our bodies are 1/3 bacteria!
But generally, for us lymees who are on ORAL antibacterial protocols, its very easy to develop a yeast/fungal imbalance (and most of us do since the abx kill both good and bad bacteria and it's the good bacteria that keep the yeast in balance), the imbalance begins in our gut.
MDs not real aware
However, most MDs are really pretty clueless about
yeast/fungal imbalances. The medical curriculum teaches them that only AIDs sufferers who are immunocompromised can develop it. That couldn't be further from the truth. But this leaves many of us unaware of the symptoms to look for and MDs don't ask about
it, don't know what to look for and don't know how to test for it. And, of course, many MDs (even some LLMDs) don't even prescribe probiotics along with abx...I'll never figure that out).
Ways overgrowth can develop
So, if y/f imbalance is left untreated long enough, or not effectively treated, or already present before abx prophylaxis is even started (due to other factors like genetics or diet, children can get it from the mother and through breast-feeding, it can be passed between sexual partners, etc.) then it can become chronic. This is generally the "localized" y/f overgrowth that is primarily in the gut.
Leaky Gut
The chronic form of gut y/f imbalance can cause "leaky gut". The yeast/fungus can evolve into a hyphae stage where it drills roots or holes into the mucosal lining of the gut, damaging the lining and affecting several digestive processes and obstructing absorption of nutrients, medications, supplements. Also, fecal matter and toxins can seep through these holes and into the blood stream, causing serious food sensitivity and allergy problems to everything you eat.
It's a very tough problem to overcome when you run out of food you are reactive to and can take many many months to heal. Took me 2 yrs.
Localized overgrowth can become systemic
And to your question: yeast/fungus can also seep through the holes in the damaged mucosal lining and travel through the blood stream to spread the yeast/fungal imbalance throughout the body. This is generally how systemic issues start--in the gut--and end up affecting many other parts of the body and causing systemic symptoms.
Threatens immune system
ALSO, 70% of your immune system IS your gut... so a compromised mucosal lining can really threaten your immune system function.
It's important to know if you have a generally localized y/f overgrowth (mainly in the gut--which can also grow up the throat and into the mouth/sinuses/eyes/ears, etc.) or if the overgrowth has become systemic--and the best way to know this is through symptoms, (testing is inadequate but some insurance co's may require it in order to treat it).
Unfortunately, many MDs prescribe systemic antifungals for any overgrowth but they are hard for the liver to metabolize and since the liver is already so overburdened with out antimicrobial protocols, this burden is best avoided if possible. If not, milk thistle seed and burdock root are very effective in reducing enzymes. For those allergic to MTS, you can do liver cleanses.
If your symptoms indicate only a localized overgrowth, the most effective remedy I've found is PURE powder Nystatin 500,000. You can get this Rx filled at most compounding pharmacies. The powder is mixed in water and can be swished around the mouth, attacking thrush on contact and swallowed, which can coat all the surfaces of your throat. It's also said that it can coat the entire alimentary canal.
The regular Nystatin pills and liquids, which most MDs are familiar with (because they are sold by big pharma and most MDs learn about
available drugs through pharmaceutical representatives...) and they are filled with fillers and a bunch of stuff you don't want to take--the liquids also usually have sugar in them.
There is a ton more info in the "New to Lyme?" thread if you're interested. If this doesn't answer your question please let us know!