Welcome to our community, Beth!
It is possible that your immune system was keeping the bacteria in check and in the past year it has started to gain ground.
Did you go through a stressful time when the symptoms appeared - short term memory, cognitive issues?
Were you run down at the time?
Sometimes we are keeping it at bay..and then we get tired, overworked, etc...and then they flourish.
I would take a look at Dr. Horowitz (well-known Lyme Literate Dr.) - questionnaire. sometimes we have symptoms and don't even realize it until we see it on the symptom list. See what your score is.
lymeontario.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Horowitz-Questionnaire.pdfThe other suggestion - you could get an Igenex Lyme Western Blot done - for $210 and see what it shows.
Igenex Lab is the best place to test for Lyme Disease. You just call them and order a test kit.