Not sure if anybody is into this but I spoke to a well respected Medical Intuitive. She gave me a perspective on a "deeper meaning" of Lyme and co-infections since she herself suffered with it for years and lives in a lyme infested area and has worked with many with these infections. Thought I would share with the forum to those who may be helped by this, and the rest can ignore if it doesn't resonate.
On a physical level she believes western medicine can't get to the root of the bugs. She recommends Traditional Chinese Herbs which can be taken with other medicines, herbs, etc. Of course it takes longer but feels it goes deeper. She knows the other forms of herbs and protocols and has seen that help, too, but often symptoms come back. She studied with a TCM master and feels the whole system needs to be built up first then worked with layer by layer addressing the bacteria and viruses. Of course we know the anti-inflammatory diet, no sugar, alcohol, heat forming foods, the detox, etc etc.
Now on a spiritual level, she brought to my attention the tic being an arachnoid like a spider. The teaching is the spider weaves it's own destiny. She believes most people who suffer with this chronically are rather sensitive people who tend to be empathic. Meaning they can feel what other people are feeling in their own bodies. They go through the world using their body feelings. Which is a good thing until it's not -like when empaths use themselves as a living dialysis machine for others. They tend to have a belief that they are supposed to go on the web of others and use their own energy for other people. They believe they will make more energy for themselves which is not the case. They burn out their energy over time. Now some people are "parasitic" and that energy invades empaths and weakens their immune system. Leaving them wide
open for invasion. Mostly there is no switch that turns it off so they absorb everything usually without even knowing it. But that burnout or illness is usually a protective mechanism of the (higher self/ body intelligence) to help the system recover and re-balance. But then when the "feeling" is turned off we feel a bit lost because that is how we go through life. That also weekend our immune/neuro/psycho system.
So what people with Lyme must try to do is keep healthy boundaries. Let everything flow in and out. All illness is an invitation to change. She says those of us with Lyme infections are fearless but can be reckless.
Compassion and sympathy is a one way street. Empathy is a two way street and we get all the back wash. Basically we carry a lot of other people's stuff! Without even realizing it.
Just thought I would fearlessly put that out there.