The Dude Abides said...
Hoagie said...
I just watched an online webinar on his Leaky Gut Protocol. Seriously thinking about getting it.
He states that the root cause of all disease is problems in the gut. He talks about how his mother was diagnosed with tumors on her lungs. And instead of addressing the tumors, they addressed her [gut] and her tumors shrunk. 80% of immune system is in the gut.
That's all "Functional Medicine" and "Integrative" Doctors talk about
. Everyone has leaky gut, everyone should stop gluten, sugar is killing us all, etc. Oh, and buy my books, supplements, webinars, etc. Trust me, I'm a Chiropractor.
Some of the prominent "alternative" Doctors spend more time writing books, formulating their own line of supplements, and repeating current fads than they do seeing patients. Sadly, there's a lot of money to be made on the sick.Yes there seems to be a trend with these online advertising Drs. Many copy each other , many have books ect. they are making money. In a way, they do make the profession look like greedy fad pushers.
BUT, that said, there are real Functional MD's at real clinics with actual experience making people feel better. There are even a some FMD LLMD's out there. Some Functional Medicine chiros are pretty good too, but those are the ones I would some homework on, check for reviews ect. - when some chiros cost more than MD's , thats a red flag.
There are accurate tests for this too (Genova is one) so people dont need to guess. Eating right helps those who have it, as there is no medicine to fix this gut condition.
I was too suborn and doubtful (like others here) to make the full diet change last longer than three months in the past. When I finally did last winter, it made some obvious, positive, and document-able health differences. Not quite as drastic as Dr Axe mentions, but definitely note worthy. Guess I'll see if my thyroid nodule (tumor) has shrunk at my next U/S (I seriously doubt it).
People who never had leaky gut are lucky. Anyone with long term gut issues- look into it.