You'd probably need to take Albenzadole or Alinia to hit them in the brain. Ivermectin doesn't normally cross the BBB and in fact you don't want it in your brain at all:
"Ivermectin can be given either by mouth or injection. It does not readily cross the blood–brain barrier of mammals due to the presence of P-glycoprotein,[33] (the MDR1 gene mutation affects function of this protein). Crossing may still become significant if ivermectin is given at high doses (in which case, brain levels peak 2–5 hr after administration). In contrast to mammals, ivermectin can cross the blood–brain barrier in tortoises, often with fatal consequences."
"The main concern is neurotoxicity, which in most mammalian species may manifest as central nervous system depression, and consequent ataxia, as might be expected from potentiation of inhibitory GABA-ergic synapses."
/ Lee's latest newsletter contains some interesting research on the filarial worms connection: