regarding the annoying ads...I too got tired of them and found "adblock for Google Chrome". It blocks all the ads not only here but all sites that you go to. It has made web browsing so much more enjoyable.
As for the herbs, a combination of them could cause issues for some people. Herbs are not benign and should be considered with the same cautions as a prescript
ion medicine.
There are some prescript
ion medicines that have interactions and the same applies to herbs. An example are the blood thinning herbs, some by themselves are great but add too many blood thinning herbs and you get the idea.
I too was getting some weird pains just like what you are experiencing, but mostly in my kidneys. I went to urgent care and they did an MRI and everything came back normal, no inflammation, enlargement or blockage.
So what I did was to take some herbs an hour apart from each other and that alleviated some of my pain. You may want to consider doing that too. I also give my body a break once a week by stopping all medication. This allows my immune system to not "fall asleep" and my lymph nodes time to catch up with any backlogged waste. It is also good on your wallet long term
And because Lyme is a slow replicating bacteria, taking a break won't increase your bacterial load.