LBD30 said...
My Igenex IGM was negative with only band 41 positive and my IgG was IND. My 31 confirmation test came back positive, so does this give more indication that I have chronic Lyme? I fit the diagnosis on a clinical level, but wanted too now how this confirmation test strengthens my diagnosis from a test interpretation.
if you did the epitope test on band 31...then you must have had 31 positive on the IgM along with 41 (not just 41)
The epitope test confirms that it is lyme...and not something else (virus - eg. EBV...or from vaccination)
So, it's confirmation that you have lyme disease.
It is rare for band 31 to be something else...according to Dr. Horowitz and he considers band 31 in his list of 'significant' bands for lyme.