cd3764 said...
I had weird vision issues during my early days of Lyme treatment.
There was one time when I was reading that I was suddenly unable to read all the letters. It seemed like I was reading through pegboard. Then, my vision distorted into wavy lines of the images before me.
The pegboard vision was a one-time deal. However, the distortion of my my sight into wavy lines happened several times.
These instances lasted maybe 15-20 minutes.
My ophthalmologist dx'd me with ocular migraines without the headache. Thankfully, my eyes remained healthy.
Yes CD,
My doc, said it was occular migraines (no headache involved). He said it's common for it to come and go in about
20 mins. And that's about
right. Started fading after half hour.
Now I don't doubt it was an occular migraine but once again doctors don't really care what causes symptoms. I know it's from lyme, but at least I have the piece of mind to have a name to the symptom (for whatever that is worth).