Hi, it's been a bit since I posted. My son has since been diagnosed with likely lyme & bart, possible lingering strep and PANS/PANDAS. We have a MAJOR issue with getting bloodwork (he also has autism and big big anxiety about
bloodwork, we tried with everything we have twice to no avail). Anyway we have an ILADS ped who was comfortable enough with his symptoms to go ahead and start treatment (herbal) and we figure if we get to a point where we absolutely NEED the bloodwork we'll deal with it then.
Anyway, treatment so far is going well! It's been almost a month since he's had a fever, and they've been coming every 7-10 days like clockwork since March. We have lots of neuro symptoms and he herxes like crazy. He's taking banderol, samento, and houttyana for abx and burbur, pinella, and parsley for detox (he's a detox disaster - COMT and a homozygous MTHFR) - we're doing other detox activities in addition to the herbs of course). He's also SUPER sensitive to the taste of meds, and we've wasted quite a few doses (despite "hiding" them in yummy stuff, from pudding to chocolate milk) that he absolutely refuses to take. That's why I'm posting today.
We are looking for a liquid yeast probiotic like saccaromyces; if anyone has a recommendation we would really appreciate it.
Thank you!
Post Edited By Moderator (cd3764) : 8/21/2016 11:11:21 AM (GMT-6)