If red meat is the issue, RMSF can cause an alpha-gal allergy - alpha-gal is found in red meat:
www.sciencemag.org/news/2012/11/ticked-about-growing-allergy-meatAlthough this article tells of a more serious reaction, I've also talked with those that have more minor issues and RMSF is still suspected:
"The meat allergy, known as alpha-gal for a sugar carbohydrate found in beef, lamb, and pork, produces a hivelike rash—and, in some people, a dangerous anaphylactic reaction—roughly 4 hours after consuming meat. But unlike other common food allergies, the alpha-gal allergy has been found only in people who have been bitten by ticks—specifically the lone star tick"
And, not all that have RMSF get this allergy.
I do agree with ArtAngel, in that most of us need more cooked foods, as our digestive processes are usually compromised and why so many of us usually deal with some level of leaky gut.