Huddie said...
You have not had any fatigue issues with lyme? I am so envious. And you exercised all the way through? Are you very young? Sorry I hope that is ok to ask. I used to do the elliptical and weights. I am so fatigued by this but it has only been two months and I think allergies and an early wake up are impacting me today. I am going to take a cool shower and do some very light weights. You guys are very inspirational to me today. Thank you.
No fatigue....that's one of the reasons I kept 'passing by' the possibility of lyme.
Lots of pain, and other symptoms, though.
First 3-4 months - no exercise - I was not able to stand or sit for long periods because of the pain in the shoulder blade area.
Am I very young? No, I'm very (well not VERY...but older) I have a 23 year old son.
Fatigue is very common, Huddie. Please don't over do it...because that won't be good for you.
And - every other day...give yourself a day of rest in between.