sam12 said...
Traveler- Yes I am using the Buhner protocol. I started with Cat's Claw and have ordered japanese knotweed as my next herb. I also take oil of oregano, Vitamin D/C, Zinc, Pau D'Arco tea and Monolaurin along with probiotics. How long was your treatment for?
The first time I was infected, I had these infections for quite literally 40 years. Abx treatment failed me massively, so I turned to herbs. I was in treatment for 2 years and was healed - but life is never easy. I had massive amounts of family stress descend on me and my adrenals crashed, taking my thyroid down with it a year later - and then I got reinfected. So I'm back in treatment and it's going very slowly due to the complication of severely depleted adrenals.
I think most of us that don't have a fully positive test (and some that do!) question it from time to time and it's normal. This does not mean we don't have Lyme, but with all the issues with Lyme, it's no wonder we wind up questioning everything to do with it.
If you have seen improvements from treatment, even if they are small at this point, then you can be assured that you have Lyme - and that you likely have some other co-infections.