Sean.scott256 said...
Thanks everyone it helps! I'll order some of those supplements.
k07- Do you think Epsom baths are good or should they be avoided?
I can't say for certain since we do not take plain epsom baths. I add in some of the bentonite clay since it is supposed to bind metals. My hope was that it serves 2 purposes - binding up the uranium in the water while also pulling metals through our skin. You could continue to take them and see what your levels do in 3-6 months. I will be very interested to see how your levels do.
I think I may start supplementing my children with extra calcium. My daughters, who don't drink much milk have both had broken bones that were really weird. My youngest fell of the couch and broke her shoulder. Not a big fall at all. And my middle daughter broke her arm doing a back bend. So I do think there's something to the idea of uranium taking up residence in the bones and perhaps making them weaker.
Did you see the filter I posted? It is actually cheaper than our RO system we had installed! They do recommend an additional filter for drinking water to remove bacteria/junk that may build up in the lines. But we already have that with the RO.
Also, per bluelyme, you could try Nutramedix Sealantro (chlorella/cilantro mix). Taken at bedtime every other night. I do that when I think of it.