TrialbyLyme said...
I also had a raging infection in my jaw from a root canal that 3 dentists missed. I found a biological dentist who discovered the cavitation. Unfortunately, the oral surgeon who did the surgery knew nothing about cavitations. (Neither did I.)
So he cleaned it out, extracted 2 teeth, put me on antibiotics, and sent me on my way. A year later the infection came back worse than ever. It is my worst symptom. So now, I will be traveling 6000 miles next month to see a biological DDS/surgeon this time. (the same one that helped magoo2). Yes, it will be so expensive and it probably won't be a cure all. But it is my last hope. So I definitely agree with magoo2. If you can see a holistic dds, it might make a huge difference for you!!
Also, I agree with the others about the oil pulling. I have to take RX pain meds for the jaw pain, but oil pulling really does help! There is an ozonated coconut oil on Amazon made for oil pulling. It is solid when it's cold so you may have to warm it. But I add tea tree too like others, or myrrh and frankincense oil. The ozone makes it taste a bit odd but I think it helps with some of those funky microbes and definitely with the pain(temporarily.)
Do you have access to any fermented foods or drinks besides yogurt/kefir? Like traditionally fermented pickles, sauerkraut, beet kvass? Many stores carry them now. Or you could make them if you have the energy! ;) There was a study somewhere that I don't remember, but I believe it was 1-2 TBLS of a lacto-fermented food had the same about of beneficial bacteria as a whole bottle of probiotics. I am not against probiotics( I take them) but I think if we can inoculate ourselves with them from the source and all angles we may have a better chance of rebalancing our gut flora.
My girlfriend has access to ozone water, but apparently it's very unstable and must be taken quickly. I assume it's more stable in oil?
Yes, I love to make fermented foods--I am a sauerkraut king. I should definitely be eating it several times a day. I guess because my tongue looked okay and I didn't have diarrhea I didn't think I needed so much probiotic and mouth care.
Good luck with bio dentist trip-hope it gets you what you need.