H Mommy said...
?....fear.....infectious disease doctor...treating Lyme in a non traditional way and she doesn't endorse him...She said she and the infectious disease doc think I have a condition which is cross reacting with the Lyme and RMSF tests and causing them to be positive. Who is right guys???? Who do I believe??!??? .... And I'm also so scared that I do have them and could die from RMSF if I don't get treatment. What do you all believe?.......!!
No wonder you are scared half to death.
In my humble opinion, Infectious disease doctors are a breed of their own. They are arrogant and feel superior to our general practitioners. After testing positive for Lyme and getting a clear on so many other tests to rule out MS, ALS, SJOGRENS ETC.ETC.ETC, painful nerve conduction tests, MRIs, blood work, blood work and more blood work, my IDS(Infectious Disease Specialist) wanted to test me one more time in case it was a false positive. Incredible. I was ALSO told that something was cross reacting resulting in false positive. By this time I was aware that I needed some doxycycline ASAP. My IDS denied me until further blood work was completed and asked me to come back in 3 MONTHS to go over the results. Insane. I contacted my GP and asked him for some Doxy. He told me that I could have as much as I needed because he believed that I had Lyme. Both through evidence based testing AND clinical signs.
After four days on Doxy, I could walk. I was shaky, but on my way back.
When I returned for a follow up with my IDS, she told me that the test results were positive for Lyme and Bart. But she still didn't believe that the test was a true positive. SHE DENIED ME TREATMENT. I told her that I was already being treated and that she was fired. She was very angry and found it hard to contain. She sent a scathing and threatening letter to my GP admonishing him which immediately caused me regret for telling her. I am more careful now. I have heard similar stories. Almost hard to believe unless you live the experience.
H MOMMY....you asked us what we believe.
THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS.......My sister-in-law was on doxycycline for 6 yes 6 years for acne. (When I told my IDS this, she replied that "Some people need it"...Unbelievable.)
My sister-in-law never suffered any side effects. Zero. It is generally a safe drug, a life saving drug. This is what drugs are for. TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. It is the frontline drug for the treatment of Lyme. For children, it is Amoxicillin.
If you don't need it, it won't kill you. On the other hand, if you need it, you need to take it because the consequences of not taking it are dire. You've done your research. The Health unit puppet threw you a wrench and because you are so upset, you can't think straight.
Simple. Doxy will save you if you need it but it won't or shouldn't hurt you if you don't.
Not recommended to take Doxy while breast feeding.
H Mommy. My treatment was delayed and allowed the Lyme to get comfy and cause me a lot of grief when I could have just taken the tabs and gotten on with life.
These are my thoughts and experience. I am not a doctor. Follow your gut . Look at the facts.
Stop everything, focus and think. What is your gut telling you. My mom always told me that God communicates to us through our gut, our second brain.
I am praying so hard for you right now it hurts.
Please stay close and let us know what is happening.
What is your gut telling you?