I'm so sorry your spouse isn't understanding and supportive right now. Men often want to fix things and Lyme isn't something they can fix for us.
Maybe hubby isn't capable of taking the lead at this point - especially if the pattern in your marriage used to be you taking the lead.
Is it possible to tell him something like "I'm not feeling well now, would you please do so-and-so?". Sometimes explicit requests work better.
Unfortunately, many people are not aware of what it's like to live with a chronic illness...and some might not want to admit a loved one is dealing with a chronic illness. Hubby might be afraid for you, himself and for your marriage.
According to Duke oncologist Neal Spector, Lyme is the infectious disease equivalent of cancer:
www.huffingtonpost.com/dana-parish/lyme-the-infectious-disea_b_9243460.htmlKeeping the lines of communication
open is vital for every marriage. Another heart-to-heart might be necessary.
Good luck and hang in! We understand.