Traveler said...
As for you glucose levels, Lyme can cause a a disruption in the control of our glucose. I too had really high blood sugar when I got reinfected - just a couple of points below needing medication.
This can be from the affect of Lyme on any of several different things, including adrenals and the pancreas.
And of course, any test where you are "dangerously close" to needing treatment is not okay. If it's ignored, the person will be dealing with that condition.
As far as what to do, I watch my diet closely and do all I can to stay in treatment for these infections, because as I heal, so will my body and I'll no longer need to be concerned all of these things.
Let me just tell you my glucose story....about
15 or so years ago (which is when I now think I got infected or reinfected), I noticed I was having a lot of issues after eating carbs and sugar. Shaking, sweats, etc Long story short: I go to an endocrinologist and tell him I have these symptoms when I eat carbs and sugar. He runs tests; tests come back normal. He tells me I can't eat carbs or sugar. (It's like that old doctor joke..."Doc, it hurts when I go like this..."). His diagnosis was my symptom!! His said hypoglycemia, possibly pre-diabetes but my levels were normal. And it turns out, in my experience after that, many doctors believe hypoglycemia is not a long-term condition it only occurs in episodes, and they definitely don't believe in pre-diabetes. That may have changed, though.
Moral of the story: I have such a deep distrust of the medical profession and having Lyme only reinforces that distrust. It's just so difficult and exhausting to try to manage your own treatment, as I am sure you know! I can't seem to make any decisions.