Hi Melpooks78, welcome to our community!
To receive members recommendations, please enable your email address. We don't post the names of out precious LLMD's on here...for privacy reasons. We don't want them to be subject to investigation...etc. for treating patients with lyme disease beyond the IDSA guidelines.
To enable the email - you do this in "My Profile".
Then when someone wants to email you, they just click on the envelope under your name at the left side of the screen.
We encourage all members to take a look through the thread at the top of the page titled: 'New to Lyme?..Start Here!" It's packed full of useful information - symptom lists, info on probiotics, detoxing ideas, and much more.
In addition to members recommendations, you can also contact ILADS Physician referral:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/Please feel free to share your 'story' with us...
I hope you find this group to be supportive and knowledgeable...