astroman said...
"Mine was strange...usually while I was sitting I didn't feel it....but when I stood up after was excruciating."
- that is one of the classic symptoms of SI Joint inflammation or "strain". The "V" soft tissue on sides of the tailbone. You feel good sitting and then the joint gets stuck- but you feel it when rising, since the joint needs to flex then.
If putting a thickly folded towel (4" 6") under the SI/tailbone. letting the hips drop on either side (all this on floor on your back) after 5-10 min can result in relief. They sell a foam thingie called Sacro Wedgie for this purpose.
I'm lucky it went away ... I guess it's possible that lyme can cause the inflammation of the SI joint.
So many of my 'issues' have fallen by the way side...without me 'doing anything' other than treatment.