trumpet123 said...
The author says that treatments for bartonella work better for morgellons than the lyme treatment. She lists the antibiotics that work best too, as i indicated above.
Treating mutli-systemic infection disease syndrome (MSIDS), which lyme and co (including fungal) are, will then logically, help with morgellons "symptoms". That's because the root cause, not the symptoms is being addressed.
There's actually another post in this forum by ChickenArise. In that persons post it's stated that their brother visited them and their house had mold (which is a fungus). And that persons brother than started having morgellon's symptoms. Not a coincidence.
"A mold (US) or mould (UK / NZ / AU / ZA / IN / CA) is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae."
As I stated in another post, your body becomes the "soil". Those filaments are fungus.