Krimpet 🍔 said...
So you are saying that the herbs below are helping with your neuro symptoms? Do you know what each of the below is doing for you?
Wood Betony
Valerian Root
Lemon Balm
Chinese Skullcap
Blue Vervain
You can find what each is doing with quick search. They have many properties some i believe used to eradiacte parasites etc. Others helping the nervous system.
The reason I share as I mentioned in my post these specific herbs is because after introducing these....some old lyme symptoms that were initially affecting me rose out to the surface after possibly being dormant for years.
This is why I share these...because I believe my experience tells me it either is helping the lyme and infections in ways I feel are different than just the chronic tonic herbs. It is either helping or supporting a system that was in need of being supported. The Buhner perspective also says healing the symptoms too....this would help with the nuero aspect of things/congnitive aspect of things/ etc.
So it could be a two in one.Helping on a technical level by destroying co infections and also on a systemic level. This is what I come through experience....due to the herx. I'm glad new symptoms arose, because it tells me something is healing better...i think the lyme has infected my nervous system by the way.