Denikeef said...
I don't understand the why's either.
When I started looking into why I could no longer walk normally, I kept being referred to different specialists. I was finally referred to a neurologist. He ran many tests...just like the others did and just looked at me and said he could not figure it out. He decided I should go to Mayo.
The test were run by the specialist there as well. To no avail. He just told me that there was definitely a neurological problem and he didn't know why!!! Maybe it had to do with the surgeries I'd had a couple years previously! It cost me $7000 to go to Mayo and learn that they couldn't figure it out. (They did run the Elisa. It was negative.)
It took my chiro to figure it out. He had me get the Igenix test which was positive. I finally had my answer.
For me, Mayo was not what it was cracked up to be.
Denikeef, at the risk of sounding like a conspiracy nut, it is because there is money in it for them to run those expensive tests. I went through it for years, over and over, after being infected. I've told the story of getting a fibro diagnosis like so many here, and being bounced around for years because they use these expense tests looking for conditions they suspect you have, saying they "have to rule such and such out".
You end up nowhere. That started all over again with my last relapse. I finally put my foot down and said "no more".
What troubles me, and doesn't make sense, is that all these tests cost insurance companies, and medicaid, and medicare money too. If they would get over themselves and consider the possibility of bacteria infection they would save all these payers money in the long run!
But then the recipients of all that money wouldn't be so financially well off.