Huddie said...
Congratulations! You hit the motherlode of LLMD's: discount, B12 shot and prescription to sing. Love it.
My symptoms are all on the left side - better go check my uvula and start singing :)
Is the CD57 done in the CBC? I read that a lot on here but don't know what CD57 is. You guys have an entire language and I still feel like a beginner.
Great news Chick - happy for you.
It's the CD57+ NK cell. NK means natural killer cell. CD57+ (which is different than simply CD57) are immune cells that the lyme bacteria is known to successfully attack. NK cells are the big guns and there isn't much that can destroy them in great numbers, except of course for lyme.
Scientist admit that there could be something else that can destroy them in great numbers, but as of now they are only certain about
lyme being able to do it.
It's a marker. Similar to T-cells being the marker for HIV. The marker for us lymies is CD57+ NK cells.
My score was 70. Not terrible, but not great.