I have been treating Lyme, Babesia and Ehrilchia since late September and I am starting to see some positive improvements. People are starting to notice that I have moments where I am closer to how I use to be. I am far from being back to my old self, but the anxiety is starting to come down and I don't cry as much. When I get anxious now, I can tell myself that is just the bacteria acting up. I am finding myself less "needy".
Hopefully I don't get slammed with being the way I as prior to treatment. This illness has stretched me spiritually, physically, emotionally, in my relationships with others, etc. My doctor said that most of his patients experience a gradually increase in feeling better with dips here and there. He said most of the time the dips are not as far down as the time before. I hope I follow that trend as well.
I see my doctor next week and we are suppose to discuss moving away from antibiotics and more toward herbs. I hope he knows what he is doing!
Just posting to tell everyone to hang in there! I am still early in treatment, but I hope that since I am responding to the antibiotics and supplements, that it is a good sign!