sam12 said...
dacarte3 said...
The red dots are strange. Most go away for me but some stick around. Definitely related to borrelia and co, for this never happened to me prior to lyme.
So to answer your question, who knows what the "direct" cause was, but it's definitely lyme related. It can be impossible sometimes to analyze every symptom and pin point what triggered it.
I just get so freaked out when I see things like that. It never happened to me prior to Lyme either. Seeing little 1 mm dots on fingers that appear and disappear just elevates my stress level. Good to know I am not alone in experiencing the red dots. Do you also get arthritis like feeling on knuckles??Yes sometimes it's one dot, other times there's a burst of several. almost all of them fade away, sometimes in the same day. Weird.
Yes my right thumb knuckle has some soreness when I move it the wrong way. My right big toe does the same. it comes and goes.