Vwblush said...
I checked the listings a while back, but I will definitely look back at the names they emailed me. I will also re-read all the detox info. It's all so overwhelming especially right now when just making it to work and back home takes everything out of me. Thanks for the reminders!
You're welcome. I know how hard it is to get into health routines when you feel like crap.
First line of defense is easy if you mix lemon, and not the fake bottled stuff, into your water that you drink. It's there with you every time you're thirsty. Use about
a half of lemon per 32 ounces.
Get that started as a habit and then after a few days, unless you're feeling more ambitious sooner, ad Braggs brand apple cider vinegar with the "Mother" - about
a tablespoon in a glass of water once a day to start.
Do you have a natural bristle brush with a long handle? Tampico bristles are pretty common.
If you do, or can get one in some bed and bath accessory sections, do some dry skin brushing all over, before you go to bed and before showering/bathing.
Just a start that feels good and easy to keep handy.