multifacetedme said...
If antibiotics must be used (and there are certainly situations where this is the case), special care should be taken to not only restore their gut flora using probiotic foods and supplements.
ha. if life would be that easy. take a pill and your flora is back to normal!
True that, your flora after antibiotics will NEVER be normal, until you eat some ... dirt (i don't want to be grose here and really say what 'dirt' means). we all do... believe it or not, in tiny pieces every day, microscopic parts that are not cleaned from friends, family, relatives and workers. They get in your stomach from your hands or from uncooked food and salad and slowly you get your flora back... yes grose, i know, but that's how life works.
and soon you will get this in the form of a pill ! god bless when that will happen...
/ seriously. what we get now as probiotics (contains what? 1-5 maybe 10 strains of bacteria?!) are a joke....
"The colon, in contrast, contains a densely-populated microbial ecosystem with up to 1012 cells per gram of intestinal content.[9] These bacteria represent between 300 and 1000 different species.[9][10] However, 99% of the bacteria come from about
30 or 40 species.[11] As a consequence of their abundance in the intestine, bacteria also make up to 60% of the dry mass of feces.[12] Fungi, archaea, and viruses are also present in the gut flora, but less is known about
their activities.[13]"
/, maybe they help a bit get things under control with your digestion.... but get your normal flora back ?! no way !