tickbite666 said...
Doxy alone tends to push spiro's into cyst form. Adding something to bust up cysts like Tindamax pulsed two days a week; or Plaquenil or Diflucan may be milder at this stage of your treatment. Also add GSE that will help with cysts as well as candida.
This is very true. It's what happened to me, and my doctor was treating me mono on doxy.
I want to forewarn you, Doxycylcine can deliever a heck of a punch that will possibly put you in worse shape than you are now. Make sure you have an arsenal of detoxing agents at hand, as well as good probiotics.
I want to advise you to not start with the full dose of it all, but ease into the doxy and the rest gradually. Others might not agree with me, but I went through it and if I wasn't convinced I was dying, I wished that I would.
Include a binder such as charcoal tabs or bentonite clay to help flush dead toxins out of you...to be taken two hours after and two hours before anything else oral that you don't want to have moved out, including food.