Would love your collective opinions.
At the suggestion of a friend, my son and I went to see a practitioner who uses numerous modalities for healing. Many cancer and lyme patients go to her.
She has a machine where she scans your body. You can see every organ, system on a computer monitor. You are fully clothed and wear a set of head phones that do the 'scanning'
Practitioner could tell I had breast surgery but that it was benign and the same with uterine surgery. She could tell my son sustained a concussion, and told us that it has not healed.
The overall evaluation is that I have brain inflammation, nerve issues and GI issues (didn't know about
those). She gave me some homeopathic meds that she makes right there and then some additional Chinese meds from WEI (they make the pearls some of you have discussed). My brain issue begins with an A and has to do with spider like branches. I wrote it down.
My son is mostly neuro. He has a lot of inflammation, tonsilitis, adnoid issues and a few other things. He got some homeopathics as well.
On a scale of 1-10, with ten being the healthiest, I was rated a six and my son, a four
She said "he is very sick, your son."
She saw Lyme in him but not in me, said it didn't have a lot of energy any longer. That I need to concentrate on lowering brain inflammation (which is LYME though right?)
I'm convinced Lyme hides so well she couldn't see it. My son is treating with abx so perhaps it is in blood and easier to pickup?
We went back for another type of rife machine. We sat in front of it for 45 minutes for organ/tissue detoxification. I did herx yesterday.
Wondering if this is legit or not. She also said my cells are spinning in the opposite direction of how they should spin? Anyone ever hear of this?
Sorry this is so long! I found the scanning fascinating. She tests your meds in a machine so I liked that as well.
It is called Vital Gate Health and initials are GS if you care to look it up.