magoo2 said...
I would find a way to get a biological dds to do the work. Mercury is the second deadliest thing know to man- (why they place it inches from brain is beyond me). Be very careful who removes it and how they remove it.
I would also contact a doc who removes metals and ask them if you can start and how
I can't have them all removed - I have several. It's not possible - financially for me to do it...the only one that would be partially paid for is the one that has broken.
The others won't be covered at all...and i can't pay out of pocket for them in addition to traveling (no biological dentist near me) - to do one at a time over several months isn't feasible.
It would be thousands of dollars.
I'm not working...already spending more each month than what' coming in with my husband's wages.
So, it's either leave the broken one alone...and continue to leach mercury into my system...or get it fixed and have a one-time flood of mercury into my system...(from the fumes when the dentist is drilling it out)